Women's Basketball Hold Successful WBCA Pink Zone™Day

Women's Basketball Hold Successful WBCA Pink Zone™Day

Framingham, MA - The Framingham State College women's basketball team was one of over 1,250 institutions and organizations participating in the 2009 Women's Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) Pink ZoneTM initiative.

The WBCA Pink ZoneTM initiative is a global, unified effort for the WBCA nation of coaches to assist in raising breast cancer awareness on the court, across campuses, in communities and beyond.  This year's campaign runs from February 13-22, the Rams did their part on the February 14th during as the women's and men's basketball teams hosted MCLA.  The WBCA Pink Zone, formerly known as "Think Pink", began in 2007 as an initiative to raise breast cancer awareness in women's and in that first year 120 schools participated.  Last year the initiative grew to include over 1,100 teams and organizations. 

The Rams wore pink t-shirts for pregame warm-ups and encouraged those fans in attendance to show their support by wearing pink.  They dedicated the games to those in their lives that have been affected by breast cancer.  The Rams collected donations for pink memory ribbons that were hung throughout the gym.

Between the sale of the ribbons and the donation of ticket revenue by the Athletic department, the Rams raised $600 to be donated to the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer FundTM, which was created in partnership with The V Foundation for Cancer Research in December 2007.  The Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer FundTM, named for longtime North Carolina State women's basketball coach Kay Yow who recently passed away after a lengthy battle with breast cancer, raises money in the fight against women's cancers.

For more information on the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer FundTM and the WBCA Pink ZoneTM initiative, please visit www.wbca.org.